Chernobyl Children’s Lifeline Blackpool Link are looking for help with the following -:
- We are looking for host families to look after Belarusian children for up to 4 weeks during the summer, and for ‘buddies’ who can help support the host families.
- Ideally we need someone to help with the cost of printing of leaflets and posters to publicise what we are trying to do
- We need help fundraising – it costs £6000+ to bring 10 children and their leader to the UK for 4 weeks, and to give them a holiday to remember whilst they are here. Although we are a national charity, each Link is responsible for raising the funds required to pay for their own visit. Maybe a company would like to sponsor a child?
- We need publicity to help us remind people that although the Chernobyl disaster was over 30 years ago, Belarusians and Ukrainians are still living with the after-effects of it.
- We are prepared to go to companies and give talks to management and staff about the charity.
- If anyone has any clothing suitable for 10-11 year old girls and boys it would be much appreciated, as these children come with little spare clothing and the host families dig deep in to their own pockets to provide for them.
Please let us know of any help you can provide.
Thank You
David Lowe